Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Padurisima (3): Who's the diva?

Read this passage from Leonardo Padura's novel, Havana Fever, and tell me who you think he is REALLY talking about when he describes the bolero singer and consumate diva, Katy Barqué, as someone who possesses a:

"patent disregard for any sense of historical boundaries and her attempt to cling, against the wind, tide, logic, time and fear of the grotesque, to a pre-eminence that was no longer hers ... turning her into a caricature of herself."

Leete este pedazo de la novela de Leonardo Padura, La neblina de ayer, y dime de quien esta REALMENTE hablando cuando describa a la bolerista y diva contumaz, Katy Barqué, como alguien que posee una:

"patente ausencia [...] del sentido del limite historico y al empeno al aferrarse, contra viento, marea, logico, tiempo y medida de lo grotesco, a una preeminencia que ya no le correspondia y que, [...] la habia transformado en una caricatura [...] de si misma." 

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