Friday, November 5, 2010

Buena Vista Social Blog - A la venta!

A new book has just been published in Spain (in Spanish) about the emerging Cuban blogosphere. It is entitled, Buena Vista Social blog: The Internet and Freedom of Expression in Cuba.

Here is a link to the table of contents.

El Yuma even has his own essay among the 25 entries that make up the book. It is entitled, "En busca de la 'Generación Y': Yoani Sánchez, la blogósfera emergente y el periodismo ciudadano de la Cuba de hoy," pp. 201-242 [In Search of Generation Y: Yoani Sánchez, the emergent Cuban blogosphere, and citizen journalism in Today's Cuba].

Keep reading below for more infomation on the book and its 25 contribuitors.

BUENA VISTA SOCIAL BLOG. INTERNET Y LIBERTAD DE EXPRESIÓN EN CUBACalvo Peña, Beatriz.  Aduana Vieja, Valencia, 2010, 332 pages.

This new collection of essays and blog posts approaches the phenomenon of the Cuban blogosphere from an analytical and creative perspective. The volume includes analysis of experts and scholars of the phenomenon of the Internet and social networks, as witnesses and contributions of many bloggers, as well as an interesting selection of posts that cover the most dissimilar topics.

The essays, testimonies, and posts that appear here together reflect a will to reconciliation, an invitation to dialogue, inevitable disagreements and clashes, strains and disagreements, all part of the genuine partnership that makes up Cuban civil society.

Public presentation of the book in Madrid
November 17, 7:00 p.m.
Fundación Hispano Cubana (C./ Orfila, 8, 1ro.-A)

And at the Miami International Book Fair:
November 21, 5:30 p.m.

Beatriz Calvo Pena, the editor, has a post up at her blog about it here.

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